All the tools you need to communicate with us. Download, complete, and fax to pharmacy.
Or simply call us! We’re happy to hear from you!
Phone: 866.860.4179
Select your fulfillment pharmacy location. Download, complete, and fax completed forms to us
for each newly admitted resident. Forms include admission order fax cover sheet,
resident enrollment form, and pharmacy services agreement.
Resident headed out for the weekend? Let us know! We’ll hold deliveries or send
extra doses.
Drop a pill? Resident spit it out? No worries! We’ll send you an extra dose.
SmartPAQ time doesn’t match eMAR/EHR time? Send us a Time Change Notification!
Resident discharging home? Hooray! We'll send them home with a 30-day supply of medicine.
Reordering from your EHR/eMAR is best. But we’ll take them by
fax too.
Looking for our phone number? Post this handy flyer at the nursing station.
The perfect tool for reviewing the benefits of Guardian Pharmacy with new residents and families.
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